
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012


Ecotourism is extremely popular with foreign tourists who visit the large number of national parks and protected areas that exist throughout the country.

Costa Rica was a pioneer in ecotourism and is recognized as one of the few with real choices ecológico.109 In Tourism Competitiveness Index ranking in Travel and Tourism 2009, Costa Rica peaked at 42, being the ranked first among Latin American countries. The competitive advantages to develop tourism projects are in the area of ​​human, cultural and natural, in which Costa Rica is ranked in place 31 worldwide, and ranks in sixth place when considered in isolation factor naturales.110 resources With revenues of U.S. $ 2,200 million a year, the tourism industry, Costa Rica stands out as the most visited destination in Central America, with a total of 2 million foreign tourists in 2008,111 With 460 visitors per thousand inhabitants, Costa Rica has one of the highest rates of tourists per capita of the Caribbean Basin.

Most foreign visitors come from the United States and Canada (46%), and countries of the European Union (16%), 112 allowing you to receive on average approximately $ 1000 per visitor, per visit value among the highest in Latin America. In 2005, tourism contributed 8.1% of GDP of the country, and represented 13.3% of direct jobs and indirectos.112 Since the beginning of 2000, tourism generated more income for the country's foreign exchange export of bananas and coffee together.
File:Costa rica arenal fortuna 2001 12.jpg
Costa Rica area fortunal.

File:Arenal at night.jpg
arenal Volcano
File:Monteverde puente.jpg
Monteverde Cloud Forest

File:Laguna azul, Rio Celeste, Parq Tenorio.jpg
celestial river.

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